Order Of The 3rd Monkey

What is the Order of the 3rd Monkey (O3M)?  The story about the name will have to wait for another time, but the bottom line is that it is an informal training and study group to explore various areas of interest with like-minded people. 

For the great majority of people, the blog, YouTube, and social media accounts will have all the information you want, presented as clearly and concisely as I can. 

The O3M is for people who have a deeper interest in one or more of the elements I pursue in my own training.  Not everyone in the group explores every aspect, but each pursues their own expertise in one or more of the categories and is willing to share their experiments and insights with the group.

Membership in this group is by invitation, and we try to keep an environment conducive to learning.  That means disagreement and debate is fine (even encouraged), but disrespect is unacceptable.  

For ease of communication, I have broken the elements down as follows
(though there is a lot of crossover between topics and these distinctions are artificial)

  • Awareness:
  • Breathing / Meditation Practices
    • Breathing / Focus / State Management
    • Mental Tool Development
    • Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)
  • Unarmed Skills and Contact Force Multipliers
    • Unarmed
    • Piercing / Edged Force Multipliers
    • Impact Force Multipliers
    • Flexible Force Multipliers
    • Chemical / Electroshock Force Multipliers
    • Environmental Force Multipliers Force Multipliers
  • Ballistic Force Multipliers (Firearms / Thrown – Projected Tools)
  • Conditioning (Attribute Development / Exposure Training)
  • Strategy (Strategic Studies)
  • Worldview / Philosophy
  • Communication (Verbal / Non-Verbal)
  • Mental Disciplines / Study (Sciences, History, etc.)
  • Miscellaneous
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