Introduction (Start Here)
Welcome to the Order of the 3rd Monkey (O3M). This is a closed training and study group. It is intended to be interactive, so please feel free to comment and share your experiences, study resources, insights, etc. Everyone who is on these forums has shown interest in one or more categories listed here. Your path is just that… YOUR path. Follow your own unique interests and inclinations. Go only to the sections you are interested in.
The categories on these forums are designed to help make information easier to find, but they are in a very real way, interconnected and the distinctions are largely artificial. These are categories I use to help communicate and reflect my own personal journey. I encourage participation, discussion, even disagreement. If you are debating or disagreeing with someone, share your sources so anyone following the discussion can read the source material (and context) you are using to form your opinion and draw their own conclusions. None of us believe we know all there is to know on any topic, even those we are most experienced in. Learning / improving is a lifetime process. I will not tolerate disrespect. This is a private forum and I have the last word on this. My goal is to create an environment where people can have discussions without dealing with the toxic stupidity that has infected much of the open areas on the internet. Here, a discussion is not something to “win”. Who cares if someone disagrees with you? I have had some of my most productive and interesting discussions with people who did not share my views. We both walked away from the conversation we thoroughly enjoyed smarter than we were before we started, and… we still disagreed in our conclusions relating to some of the core information.
My ultimate focus is on developing adaptability and performance. The lens of my personal interest and study revolves around worldview, philosophy, strategic studies, and personal protection. I approach this holistically, as a system (much more on this in the modules as we develop them).
The registered user area for members of the O3M is found in this forum. This is where you (we) will share experiences, experiments, insights, thoughts, etc. I will also post progressions and “curriculum”. While there is a definite order to much of the information I put up, it is certainly not set in stone. People may be practicing similar skills with different goals. I am working with all of you in one form or another, so feel free to ask if you are not sure what progression makes sense for you. Who knows… I may add another module if something doesn’t already exist! I will create an archive so that drills / progressions can be found more easily as they get “buried” by new posts.